This study aimed to compare BMI and psychosocial functioning among adolescent bariatric surgery candidates, outpatient medical‐treatment‐seeking adolescents with obesity (receiving lifestyle modification), and adolescents in the normal‐weight range. All adolescents completed self‐report measures of ...
Psychiatric symptoms and leptin in obese patients who were bariatric surgery candidates Changchien TC;Tai CM; Huang CK;.Psychiatric symptoms and leptin in obese patients who were bariatric surgery candidates.Neu- ropsychiatr Dis Treat.2015.2153... TC Changchien,CM Tai,CK Huang,... - 《...
1 Now that the medical community can offer a chance for diabetes remission, why has surgery not become the standard of care for severely obese patients, and what public health strategy could offer bariatric surgery in a sensible manner? Full Text ...
Who Is Referring to Bariatric Surgery?: Understanding Referral Patterns at a Large Academic Healthcare Centerdoi:10.1016/j.jamcollsurg.2021.08.029Sarah M. JabourDina GriauzdeAnne P. EhlersElsevier BVJournal of the American College of Surgeons...
BARIATRIC SURGERY IN AUSTRALIA: WHO, WHY AND HOW?[J] . Simon C.Kitto,DavidBorradale,Carol A.Jeffrey,Julian A.Smith,Elmer V.Villanueva.ANZ Journal of Surgery . 2007 (9)Kitto SC,Borradale D,Jeffrey CA,Smith JA,Villanueva EV.Bariatric surgery in Australia: who, why and how?. Anz Journal...
Surgery for Obesity & Related DiseasesSeiichiKitahama, Mark D.Smith, David R.Rosencrantz, Emma J.Patterson. (2012) Is bariatric surgery safe in patients who refuse blood transfusion?. Surgery for Obesity and Related Diseases /Kitahama S, Smith MD, Rosencrantz DR, Patterson EJ. Is bariatric ...
National GovernmentcatalogsUnited KingdomBariatric Surgerypsychological counselingZosia Kmietowici A review of patients who had bariatric surgery in the United Kingdom has found a catalogue of failings in their treatment, with more than two thirds having no psychological counselling before they were ...
adult surgerynutrition And dieteticsIntroduction Type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM) and obesity are pandemic diseases that lead to a great deal of morbidity and mortality. The most effective treatment for obesity and T2DM is bariatric or metabolic surgery; it can lead to long-term diabetes remission ...
Bariatric surgery and perioperative education: The look of patients who are waiting for surgerydoi:10.5430/JNEP.V11N6P36Lívia Moreira BarrosFrancisco Marcelo Leandro CavalcanteNelson Miguel Galindo NetoNatasha Marques FrotaThiago Moura de Araújo
Diabetes Patients Who Undergo Bariatric Surgery Require Fewer MedicationsArch Surg