The company has produced a number of series over the years featuring past Doctors and their companions, as well as new characters introduced to the franchise. The BBC also produces its own audio stories with currently contracted actors from the show. While th...
As Inspire Brands—which also owns Arby’s, Buffalo Wild Wings, Jimmy John’s, and SONIC—is a private company, it is not required to publicly disclose many financial metrics, but the company reported $13.3 billion in Dunkin' sales during fiscal year 2023.7 In February 2024, Bloomberg reporte...
Originally, due to the numerous posh and beautiful women he was surrounding himself with at the time, he was going to call the song “Uptown Girls.” Billy has claimed that the style of the song was inspired by the music of Frankie Valli and the Four Seasons, and it’s not hard to s...
The fries are like mom used to make, the Coke in the bottle like our Maw-Maw used to give us, and the smiles from the staff match those of the satisfied customers. You can’t go wrong with any po-boy from Villager’s, from the Classic to the Fried Shrimp to the Pot Roast, THEY...
Warwick Davis, the actor who portrayed beloved Professor Flitwick in the "Harry Potter" film franchise, is mourning the death of his wife and colleague Samantha Davis, who acted alongside him in the series and more. Samantha Davis, her husband's "favorite human," died at the age of 53 o...
The automobile industry struggled throughout the 1980s, and one unlucky victim of this hardship was the DeLorean. Made iconic by its role in the “Back to the Future” franchise, the Delorean was already famous due to the lavish legacy of its founder, John Z. DeLorean. In ...
sales, franchises Chinese automaker Zotye's U.S. sales plan: Budget CUVs, flexible facilities; JCI selling battery unit; Ford 'Baby Bronco' spied; Toyota rewards a hero; Remembering Stan Lee. more >> Johnson Controls reaches $13.2 billion deal to sell its auto battery unit Johnson ...
the of and to a in that is was he for it with as his on be at by i this had not are but from or have an they which one you were all her she there would their we him been has when who will no more if out so up said what its about than into them can only other time new...