Divvying Atlantis: who owns the land beneath navigable manmade reservoirs?Government policyManmade reservoirNatural resource managementReservoir basin ownershipState ownership advocacyAndesRoy H.UCLA Journal of Environmental Law & Policy
meals together on the Nile River at our host hotel, a two-hour exploration of the renovating, historic Al Rubaiyat restaurant at Mena House–inspiration for the Max Kalba Club–group trips to Coptic Cairo and the astonishing Egyptian Museum of Antiquities, and much more, much Moore...
Divvying Atlantis: Who Owns the Land beneath Navigable Manmade Reservoirs?I. INTRODUCTION For over a century, the federal government has been permitting...Andes, Roy H.University of California at Los Angeles, School of LawUCLA Journal of Environmental Law & Policy...