Who Owns You Online Your data is your digital replica but it may not be your ownSteele, Chandra
”writesFusion, and “instead of business acumen as his main credential, religion is Jarret’s stump. He’s the head of a group called Christian America, which is
group knew business program half give side days white toward face young five let form per given order large several national important rather possible big case among often things john early looked ever best become need within c felt children along saw light power church least family interest ...
She mentions that consumer privacy laws are by far the only protection users can expect in protecting their digital image. She adds that individuals should remember that they should also be responsible for protecting themselves online.SteeleChandraEBSCO_bspPc Magazine...
She mentions that consumer privacy laws are by far the only protection users can expect in protecting their digital image. She adds that individuals should remember that they should also be responsible for protecting themselves online.SteeleChandraPC Magazine...