Vopak is the world's leading tank storage company, providing storage for new energies & feedstocks, gas, industrial, chemical and oil products.
NO, it is not “corporate governance” who owns the Media in 2010 – as the “fearful” put it. NO, it is not General Electric and Westinghouse, those Gentile nice sounding corporate names. YES – it is the JEWS who own ALL the Media in 2010! AND ONLY Brother Nathanael Kapner will ...
The elites all flew in on their private jets and promptly told us we’re all (royal we) getting off fossil fuels and killing coal.So how’s that turning out? The usage of coal is now at record highs: Britain is Breaking Down; The Economy Is Struggling, Living Standards ...
Upon completion of the suit, Bruno delivers it to Smiths home where he learns that he will not be paid until his son tries on the suit as Smith has sold everything he owns to buy a book. Trying to prove his customer wrong, Bruno goes on a hunt, but what he finds is what the sui...
The actor now even owns the soccer team, Los Angeles FC. He may not have become a professional athlete, but he certainly tried to be in his movies. Jason Statham Before Jason Statham played the bad guy in a string of action flicks, he was one of the world’s top high div...
The actor now even owns the soccer team, Los Angeles FC. He may not have become a professional athlete, but he certainly tried to be in his movies. Jason Statham Before Jason Statham played the bad guy in a string of action flicks, he was one of the world’s top high divers ...
and the couple joined the Royal Household. Caroline Grey became one of the Ladies of the Bedchamber. Queen Victoria’s court wasn’t a particularly lively affair, but it was a prestigious position, and a very different proposition from marriage to William Gladstone. There is absolutely no indica...
In fact you will find that in many previous court decisions the person who first writes down a theory is given priority in patent fights and therefore you can not claim priority on the Goldbach Conjecture, as Goldbach’s claim is more than two centuries before yours. As CVSI owns the coll...
IF THERE were a Royal Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Ants, Matthias Wittlinger of the University of Ulm, in Germany, would probably be top of its hate list. The reason is that Dr Wittlinger and his colleagues have, as they report in this week’s Science, been ch...
I've been buying raw chicken mince carcass and mixing it with steamed vegetables. He has that, very reluctantly, in the morning. At night, I leave out for him to nibble on Royal canine puppy dry food, which he would sometimes eat. A week ago he stopped eating his food, again. He is...