Who Owns the Moon?Does any country, company, or individual have the right to own celestial bodies or their minerals?Article by: Hobart M. King, PhD, RPGLunar Mining: Will it someday be possible to mine mineral resources on the Moon, other planets or an asteroid and deliver them to ...
Pop, Virgiliu, Who Owns the Moon?: Extraterrestrial Aspects of Land and Mineral Resources Ownership. Space Regulations Library. Springer. ISBN 978-1-4020- 9134-6, 2009.Pop, Virgiliu. Who owns the Moon? Extraterrestrial Aspects of Land and Mineral Resources Ownership. New York: Springer, 2009....
The convention also addresses the use of international waters, maintaining them as "the common heritage of mankind," and sets guidelines for environmental protection and the management of marine natural resources. Who owns the world's oceans? It's a legitimate question. We divvy up Earth's terra...
Who owns the Arctic Ocean and any resources that might be found beneath those waters? This question has enormous economic significance. The United States Geological Survey estimates that up to 25% of the world's remaining oil and natural gas resource might be held within the seafloor of the ...
Who Owns the Moon? Extraterrestrial Aspects of Land and Mineral Resources Ownership, Virgiliu Pop, Springer, Berlin, 2008 It is the question that confronts every practitioner, student and academic working in the space law field some fifteen times a year. At family dinners, int... GM Goh - 《...
Who owns Voisey's Bay? By David Playfair, Goose Bay, Labrador, in the People's Voice,March, 1995 A militant expedition of Innu Indians has invaded a mineral drill site. They burned the pumphouse which provides water for the mud which lubricates the drills. They smashed drill bits. The ...
The settlement became a National Park in 1980, but the state of Hawai驶i owns ... MM Andrus 被引量: 0发表: 2014年 Kenya to Exploit Mineral Wealth: A Treasure Trove of Resources Is Being Discovered in Kenya as Deposits of Niobium, Rare Earth Metals, Titanium Sands, Ilmenite, Zircon, ...
have started targeting asteroids for the purpose of mining their mineral resources. Geek note: Under the aforementioned Outer Space Treaty, the moon and other celestial bodies such as asteroids, legally speaking, belong in the same basket. None of them can become the "territory" of one sovereign...
companies, Planetary Resources and Deep Space Industries, which have serious financial backing, have started targeting asteroids for the purpose of mining their mineral resources. Geek note: Under the aforementioned Outer Space Treaty, the moon and other celestial bodies such as asteroids, legally ...
most Americans don’t even stop to think about who is feeding them the endless hours of news and entertainment that they constantly ingest. Most Americans don’t really seem to care about who owns the media. But they should. The truth is that each of us is deeply influenced by the messag...