Cites a report in 'Ha'aretz,' an independent periodical published in Tel Aviv, Israel. Contends that there is virtually no piece of Arab property in Jerusalem for which a method cannot be found to have it transferred to Jewish hands; Actions of the Ministry of Housing and Construction....
Egypt and the wilderness, the warnings of Deuteronomy, the conquest of Joshua, the monarchy, exile, and return—and charts this trajectory that follows Israel's relation to the land. Remarkably—and this is perhaps Brueggemann's finest insight—"land loss" marked the most creative, most formativ...
Within the next ten years, the U. S., China, Israel, and a crowd of private companies plan to set up camp on the moon. So if and when they plant a flag, does that give them property rights?A NASA working group hosted a discussion this week to ask: Who owns the moon? The ...
Now that the conspiracy of silence about incest has been penetrated, a number of contradictory positions arise. Rights of the father, rights of the child, duties of family members, duties of society, definitions of normality and deviance - all these tran
Who owns Bouvet Island? Who discovered the Sahara Desert? Who owns Adelie Land? Who named the water cycle? Who is the Amundsen Sea named after? Who discovered Mount Kilimanjaro? Who discovered Wilkes Land? Who developed the concept of stratigraphy?
For 2000 years, the tidal armies of the world powers have flowed back and forth over the land of Israel. Today, there is worldwide confusion over who owns Jerusalem, and the land called Palestine. Those who don't know the Bible, see it as just another religious squabble. The Jews ...
Visual Capitalist Visualizing All of Earth’s Satellites: Who Owns Our Orbit?Markets Prediction Consensus: What the Experts See Coming in 2025 Nvidia Loses Record-Setting $560B of Market Cap, Thanks to DeepSeek Ranked: The Biggest Corporate Dealmakers by M&A Activity Ranked: How Key Commodities ...
Anyway, since Israel had defiled the land of God, this land was getting ready to spew them out as it had spewed out the wicked Canaanites. Lev. 18:28 Hosea 1:6 this judgment upon Israel shall not be merely temporal like the 70 years of captivity of Judah. The name of the daughter...
Withinthenexttenyears,theUS,China,Israel,andacrowdofprivatecompaniesplantosetupcamponthemoon.Soifandwhentheyplantaflag,doesthatgivethempropertyrights? ANASAworkinggrouphostedadiscussionthisweektoask:Whoownsthemoon?Theanswer,ofcourse,isnouse.TheOuterSpaceTreaty,theinternationallawsignedbymorethan100countries,states...
, a former DNC chair, told attendees to read the talking points on Kamala Harris’ Israel record from her campaign and applauded vice presidential nominee Tim Walz for “reflexively” supporting Israel after October 7. “The doubters are coming out,” she warned. “The Republicans are tr...