If you don’t have the moral fibre that comes from following the Ten Commandments you won’t be able to resist being microchipped. “For from the rising of the sun even to the going down, My name is great among the gentiles, and in every place there is a sacrifice, and there is of...
The back office business processing project, that was meant to be based on a model to boost social engineering to create wealth and employment in developing countries, rather than to only make money, kicked off a new lease of economic freedom amongst youth, especially young women who, because ...
Strike home for freedom and for right! Fight! storm! make hell hot for the Turks;and gloriously end your days upon the Janissaries' lances.But I-excuse me[Slaps his pocket.] I have cash, and am myself, Sir Peter Gynt. [Puts up his sunshade, and goes into the grove, where the ...