Every purchase on the site financially supports independent bookstores.Our platform gives independent bookstores tools to compete online and financial support to help them maintain their presence in local communities. NPRhas the story —“Bookshop.org launches new e-book platform that exclusively support...
Mark Cuban owns the Dallas Mavericks, with a net worth estimated at$4.1 billion in 2019. However, Mark Cuban failed at almost every job he ever held. He couldn’t seem to get anything suitable. This did not stop him from trying.
NatWest RBS banking group, which owns Coutts, the bank involved in the debanking of Nogel Farage story, and itself largely owned by the government on behalf of We The Taxpayerssince 2009, has granted itself “sweeping new powers†to limit the amount of cash customers can ...
“Hunter as conservationist” has long been the first line of defense presented by hunters when challenged with the question as to why they hunt. With the plethora of grocery stores and fresh markets that are abundant today, the conservation argument long ago replaced the “hunt to eat” defens...
It turns out the guy my dad was sitting next to is a guy who owns a very prominent, very old, famous kind of saloon in the outskirts of Phoenix. He says to my dad, “You seem like a good guy, do you know anything about the restaurant business.” My dad says, “No, nothing, ...
owns outset ordering opposing opponents omitted officer's oersted observing objections objected nursery nuclei nitrogen nighttime night's necessities nam mythological mutually moonlight monstrous monitoring modernization mix miserable minnesota ministry mining mineral mill methodist media mcfeeley mcclellan matches...