Rebel Wilson, an accomplished Australian actress, comedian, writer, and producer, was born in Sydney, New South Wales in 1980. Wilson's early life was filled with amusing adventures that laid the foundation for her impressive career: she spent a year in South Africa as a Rotary Internat...
Holt was born in Sydney, but lived in Melbourne from a young age. He was the first prime minister born in the 20th century. He studied law at the University of Melbourne and eventually opened his own legal practice. Holt entered parliament at the Fawkner by-election in 1935, standing for...
They are reported to have been in the shop to buy a cake for her mother. Mr Garwe was originally from Wedza in Zimbabwe. He had worked in construction and had previously lived in Dublin. James O'Flaherty, 48, originally from Sydney in Australia, was living in Dunfanaghy in Donegal. He...
Who designed the Sydney Opera House? Who regulates hate speech on U.S. commercial radio broadcast media? Who killed George in ''Richard III''? Who typically lived in a Haida house? What does DC stand for in Washington, DC? Who built the Notre-Dame Cathedral?
Banda is a twenty-three-year-old Psychology student at City College in Dublin, Originally from Malawi, she has lived in Ireland for three years and was the 2016 winner of the Irish Times Africa Day Writing Competition. Wasekera enjoys writing and reading poetry, she is inspired by the Late...
In 2008 she told The Sydney Morning Herald that she was attacked by a spirit while sleeping in her parents’ home as a teen. "Something definitely took the covers off me and I definitely couldn't get off the bed, and then, once I did, I screamed, ran to my parents' room and I ...
Still, it took authorities until about midnight Sunday to find the aircraft, which was in about a foot of snow a couple of miles from the nearest road, the sheriff said. Kim lived with his wife and their three children in Springfield, Virginia. Originally from South Korea, he “came to ...
King used to ship his car by steamer to Sydney and back to attend meetings. In the mid-late 1930s groups of speedcar drivers would do the reverse of this trip; travel overnight on Friday, race in Newcastle on Saturday, then return overnight on Saturday to be home in Sydney on Sunday...
Posted in Sydney, Travel, Uncategorized | Leave a reply In Defence of Gammy’s Surrogate Mom Posted on August 10, 2014 4 I’m sure most people reading this would think this was a strange angle to tackle on the whole Baby Gammy controversy. After all, why would Ms. Pattaramon (Goy...
In fear, hope, or desperation, these women left home seeking new lives. Some found opportunity; others found more uncertainty—or worse.