Religious leaders and scholars have debated how these documents should be organized and ordered for thousands of years, also arguing which documents should or should not be included as biblical canon. Christians and Jews believe the words of the Bible are divinely-inspired, but the ways in which...
The Old Testament book of Esther is unique in that it is one of the only two books in theBiblenamed for women (the other, of course, isRuth). (Read below for some more fun and interesting facts on the Book of Esther). The author is unknown, but some biblical scholars conclude that...
A soft place to fall, some poetry, some stories some random thoughts but most of all a place that I hope blesses those who stop by.
We moved so much when I was young that I never got much religious education beyond listening to my Dad’s mother’s opinions about organized religion (Grandma was raised Baptist, but rebelled), which I think influenced my status today. Reply Walter, NH June 20, 2023 at 1:04 pm 12/...
He argued that the literal interpretation of the Bible is both false and outmoded. He does not believe in the virgin birth, the resurrection, and just about all of the other church doctrines. He wants the church to evolve by joining a “dialogue between yesterday’s words and today’s ...
‘They put the bible into our hands and taught us how to pray, when we opened our eyes, we had the bible, they had the land?’ Today, we pray to science. Have we learned their methods and lost our insight and common sense? Do we know what drugs we get for cancers? Do we know...
alive to provide fresh meat during long months of travel. Today, like much of the native vegetation, the green turtles’ existence is threatened. Like all mass extinctions in the history of organized human society, this one begins in the colonial era. Climate catastrophe is a colonial ...
No matter how it is organized or what type of God they worship, a society would be nothing without some kind of deity to organize it. Through the units of study the amount that people rely on Gods has been evident and that is why this makes a very good essay topic. Three areas of ...
5 Tips to Help Pastors Get Organized and Maximize Ministry Impact January 13, 2023Corey Jones Leave a comment We are all busy and sometimes we can feel overwhelmed with all that we have to do. Having a clear plan, setting goals and staying focused can make all of the difference in how...