effect of sex, menstrual cycle phase, and monophasic oral contraceptive pill use on local and central arterial stiffness in young adults 尾-Stiffness was higher in men than NAT and OCP women ( P 0.05 for both) and were not associated with duration of OCP use (尾-stiffness: r=0.003... SE...
We tested oral rinse samples for 37 types of HPV DNA and collected self-reported risk factor information. We compared oral HPV prevalence across categories using chi-squared statistics and multivariable logistic regression. Among 199 subjects, 32% were HIV-positive (median CD4 count 384 cells/μL...
1 STIs are predominantly spread through different types of sexual contact, including penetrative vaginal, anal, and oral sex; however, some STIs can be spread via non-sexual routes, such as through a transmission of blood. Who Is Affected? The CDC estimates that, while anyone can contract ...
49、wanal_U261llj3.48.7253.38.5313Lung.MalesOesophaqusNasopharynxNon-HodqkinlymphomaKidneyEtc,Oral匚avityMultiplemyelornaHodqkmlymphoma|Deaths图4-9中国男性各种癌发病例与死亡例图表IARC癌症筛查(IARCScreening) HYPERLINK http:/screening.iarc.fr/ http:/screening.iarc.fr/现有宫颈癌(CervicalCancer)、口腔癌...
Descriptive statistics of the demographic and behavioral characteristics were presented by quit smoking status after cancer diagnosis. The differences of these characteristics between cancer survivors who quit and those who did not quit smoking after cancer diagnosis were evaluated using the Rao-Scott chi...
The article presents a research study which examines the risks of women who are taking an oral contraceptives (OC) to cancer. The study used a cohort design and its strength is the long period of monitoring and the ability to continue monitoring through mortality statistics from the National Hea...
Quinn M, Babb P, Office for National Statistics. Cancer trends in England and Wales, 1950–1999.Health Statistics Quarterly 08winter 2000; 5–19. Radiotherapy definition. National Cancer Institute at the National Institute of Health. Davies A, Epstein J B .Oral complications of cancer and its ...
其一,http://www.who.int/cancer/en,是WHO本身的癌症信息资源;其二,http://www.who.int/topics/cancer/en,是WHO下属机构,IARC等等,以及其他相关机构的资源。 一、癌症主页(http://www.who.int/cancer/en/index.html) (一)概况 全球每年有1100万以上人诊断患癌症,估计至2020年每年将有1600万以上人为癌症...
Men who have sex with men (MSM) are disproportionately affected by anal cancer, predominantly caused by high-risk (HR) human papillomavirus (HPV) infection. Currently, the nonavalent HPV vaccine provides coverage against nine HPV genotypes, including seven HR-HPV genotypes. Here, we characterize an...
Men who have sex with men (MSM), especially if living with HIV (PLWH), are at increased risk of infection and consequently of cancer development. Aim of this study is to evaluate the impact of nonavalent vaccine on oral HPV infection in a cohort of MSM and transgender women (TGW). This...