there needs to be more clarity and universality on how we measure and deliver impressions, reach, and performance. Other channels have gotten so granular and data-driven, and advertisers want every impression to be as
A tender plant, grown under glass, needs “hardening off” gradually before it is planted out permanently into the uncertain climate outdoors. It was in this spirit that my parents later allowed me away from my protected home environment for more protracted visits to Cowhills Farm, the “tied...
(two years younger than Cameron) get dressed.While help has always been available for Emma,Alison and her husband also have to fight to get Cameron the support he needs."People could see that Emma has special needs but because Cameron was doing so well at school,his teachers never thought ...
While waiting for Him to rescue me God gets our attention in trials and disappointment. Faith needs to be exercised to be strong enough to stand up to the world and its troubles. A strong faith in Him sets our feet on solid ground instead of the sinking sand of a world that is passing...
Anybody who isn’t solidly and safely upper-middle-class needs to batten down and go into “prepare for things to stay bad” mode. Because the dudes in the McMansions don’t have to care if there’s 15% YOY shelter inflation and the only chicken for sale that isn’t made of rubber ...
(with love hearts instead of normal heel stems) for the sole purpose of conducting a C-grade, DIY photo shoot in front of the foxes. It was a glorious display of primping and preening as she posed and waggled her feet through the fencing at the bewildered but captivated fox. Her pose...
“She needs to be examined for psychological damage, and if she chooses to play ball, she’ll be placed in the women’s division aboard this ship. You’re both going to become soldiers.” “I need to be able to see her. She won’t recover as quickly without me.” Captain Hallstead...
"As the reserve becomes more mature, with that comes issues like fencing degrading and having to replace wooden structures. But the number of residents will increase and therefore the funds collecting should stabilize and income will be matching the expenditure," he explains. With budgets tight, ...
‘But we must keep up the pressure to meet the needs of priority populations everywhere and facilitate global access. To do that, we need two things – a scale-up of manufacturing capacity, and developers’ early submission of their vaccines for WHO review.” The WHO EUL proc...
In Victoria, the State’s Department of Agriculture says livestock producersmust ensure their animals do not wander onto roadswhere they can create a serious road safety issue. It also notes that local councils have the power to issue notices to confine stock and improve fencing to ensure it is...