Chickenpox cases spike at Eagan school; The 37 cases prompted officials to recommend a second dose of the vaccine for all who have had one dose.(NEWS)Walsh, PaulWriter, StaffLavrusik, Vadim
Chickenpox The varicella virus causes chickenpox. Vaccination is routine now, and it is rare to see a regular case now. Before the vaccine, it was a very common cause of hospital admission. Though chickenpox infection is usually a benign (but uncomfortable) event in a child's life, there is...
jointly developed with the International Vaccine Institute (IVI), has received WHO PQ certification. The company added that it has demonstrated world-class technology by achieving WHO PQ certification for typhoid vaccine, following two influenza and chickenpox vaccines. ...
“You don’t call someone who advocates for safe automobiles anti-car. Similarly it’s ridiculous to call somebody who advocates for safer vaccines, more effective vaccines and to protect children, to ever call them anti-vaccine.” I am not an “antivaxer”, but I find it difficult to un...
A Kentucky student is suing his local health department after it barred students who aren’t immunized against the chickenpox from attending school and canceled extracurricular activities during an outbreak that has affected 32 people. Jerome Kunkel, a senior at Our Lady of the Sacred Heart/Assumpt...