Twenty years after the World Health Report 2001, the World Health Organization (WHO) has recently published a new report designed to promote a transformative process required to ensure better mental health for all people globally [1]. The World Mental Health Report (WMHR) 2022 is written for d...
Available from: 125. Clinton M. New directions in mental health practice with older people: Canadian strategies for mental health reform. Int. J. Older People Nurs. 2007;2(2):155-8.World Health ORganization. The WHO ...
Source:World Health Organization (WHO)|Apr 15, 2024 Uganda engages communities in physical and mental health activities as part of the World Health Day Commemoration The event was organized at the WHO Country Office in Kololo, Uganda The Ugandan Ministry of Health, the World Health Organization (...
Primary care doctors in Shenzhen, China are increasingly expected to identify and prevent depressive disorder; however, they have received limited mental health training and community healthcare centres (CHC) do not provide standardised protocols for the diagnosis and care of depressive disorder. The Wo...
DepartmentofMentalHealth,BrainHealthandSubstanceUse(MSD)oftheWorldHealth Organization(WHO),Geneva,Switzerland.Thereportwasconceptualizedby,anddeveloped undertheoverallguidanceof,DévoraKestel(Director,MSD)andVladimirPoznyak(UnitHead, ADA)withintheframeworkofWHOactivitiesonglobalmonitoringtoinformprogresstowards achieveme...
However, we found little evidence of an effect on BMI when age and gender were taken into account (zBMI), and no evidence of effectiveness on fat intake, alcohol and drug use, mental health, violence, and bullying others. We did not have enough data to draw conclusions about the ...
英国通过两个计划来控制药品价格:一是药品价格监管计划(Pharmaceutical Price Regulation Scheme,PPRS),通过控制药品生产企业的利润,来控制向NHS体系供应的品牌处方药价格;二是社区药店合同框架(Community Pharmacy Framework),通过一组仿制药的价格调整大约500种药品的补偿价,以此来控制药品的利润空间,任何高于合同框架的...
The World Health Organization has defined health since 1948 as “a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity” (World Health Organization, 2020; p. 1). Thus, subjective well-being is an important dimension of perceived quality ...
"Mental health services are rapidly transforming as part of the NHS Long Term Plan and Community Mental Health Framework, andself-harmis recognized as a key area for quality improvement and policy initiatives. "Now, more than ever, we have the opportunity to transform services, particularly if we...
Research on women’s recidivism often focuses on offending behaviour rather than the health and social circumstances women are experiencing when reimprisonment occurs. This study examines the relationship between social determinants of health (SDOH), mental health, substance-use and recidivism among women...