Twenty years after the World Health Report 2001, the World Health Organization (WHO) has recently published a new report designed to promote a transformative process required to ensure better mental health for all people globally [1]. The World Mental Health Report (WMHR) 2022 is written for d...
Dr. Mark Van Ommeren:WHO does advanced calculations in coming up with a conclusion like that. And these calculations, they include a number of different sources of information. One of them is that for an individual, when they have a mental health condition such as depression, it’s actually ...
In terms of your own mental health, if you find yourself to have persistent anxiety, which you didn’t have before, persistent sadness or depression or a sad mood that you didn’t have before, or drinking more alcohol, or having lost pleasure and interest in ...
Some of the latter are to foster the empowerment and involvement of persons with mental disorders, their families and caregivers in mental healthcare and address the mental well-being of children and carers when a family member with severe illnesses presents for treatment at health services. Other...
Primary care doctors in Shenzhen, China are increasingly expected to identify and prevent depressive disorder; however, they have received limited mental health training and community healthcare centres (CHC) do not provide standardised protocols for the diagnosis and care of depressive disorder. The Wo...
Mental Health and COVID-19: Scientific brief -1- Introduction The COVID-19 pandemic has had a severe impact on the mental health and wellbeing of people around the world (1). While many individuals have adapted (2), others have experienced mental health problems, in some cases a consequenc...
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Uganda engages communities in physical and mental health activities as part of the World Health Day Commemoration The event was organized at the WHO Country Office in Kololo, Uganda The Ugandan Ministry of Health, the World Health Organization (WHO), and its partners carried out awareness-raising ...
"Mental health and well-being is a fundamental human right that should be at the heart of our health systems and key to recovery from the COVID-19 emergency. The pandemic has affected everyone in society, but the most vulnerable, including children and young people, have suffered the most,...
The positions in the table below reflect the World Health Organization (WHO)'s position overall, domestically, within their sector, and in various subject areas based on their Share. Each position links to the corresponding table where World Health Organization (WHO) is listed. ...