He crouched and froze in place – no stirring from upstairs. Perhaps his heightened senses had made the sound seem more audible than it really was – he had to admit that most of his best liberatory work had been undertaken in alleys, and a sleeping house was a much more formidable beast...
Wallis makes for a wonderful story, but it is too early for her to be awarded a lead actress. Riva will need a push to win the nomination of lead actress. Mirren, as the Alfred Hitchcock’s wife and unsung partner, Alma Reville, might pose the biggest threat to Lawrence. Older ...
Hotels have plush bed sheets, very soft duvets, and countless soft pillows. Their rooms are generally serene enough to make you sleep better. Understanding Different Types of Mattresses in Hotels The difference between one mattress and another is the material that makes the mattress. Besides ...
drifters sleeping in alleyways carrying backpacks of all they own, crippled and partially demolished RV’s settled permanently on the side of major streets or under bridges, they are everywhere and year after year they remain, either refusing to conform to the rules of assistance or incapable of...
Statio slows our fall and makes it more likely that we will fall into what is most important. If we must fall, let’s fall into compassion, into love, into union with something larger than ourselves or oneness with others who are falling too. Maybe in doing so, we will stumble and fal...
I'm a TV writer who has worked for Warner Bros. Television. Some of my past credits include, YOUNG SHELDON, THE BIG BANG THEORY, FUTURAMA, FLIGHT OF THE CONCHORDS, and MALCOM IN THE MIDDLE. I published a book of philosophy called "Does Santa Exist: A Philosophical Investigation". I am...
For someone who already has a sound system in place, the Marantz TT-15S1 manual belt-drive turntable offers a high-end way for your husband to enjoy his favorite vinyl albums in a way that captures the warmth of analog music. This turntable not only looks beautiful, it makes 33 ⅓ ...
managed to take a short walk down the hall. When she got back into bed she looked like she'd run a marathon. She was in good spirits most of the day, and laughed at my jokes, which brings into question her sense of humor. I was adjusting her pillows and said, "Are you ...
Oscar is still bestest buddy, sleeping adorably and being his usual protective self. Well, except for that time he bit a groomer *facepalm. They were way nicer about it than I thought they’d be, but they also know the circumstances so have been very forgiving that it’s just been a ...
is called “Voice Of Rebellion”. You need to buy multiple copies of it and give it to all of your family members and friends. If you do not buy at least five copies, hundreds of bees will attack you when you are not expecting it. Like, when you are sleeping. Or, on an airplane...