咳嗽,使用抗生素、异丙肾上腺素吸入有效。2天前打扫卫生时又发生喘息,不能平卧。查体:体温37.7℃,血压150/95mmHg,心率120次/分,大汗淋漓、口唇发绀,双肺散在哮鸣音。实验室检查:血气分析PaO 250mmHg、PaCO 250mmHg,血常规:白细胞11×10 /L。判定患者病情严重最主要的指标是 ...
along with several smaller ones,that look to be vehicles and support equipment, at the southwestern end of the desert airstrip’s runway. The runway itself is more than 16,400 feet in total length, or more than 3 miles long, which makes it one of the longest anywhere...
I printed a few shots from my phone on my [underused] Sprocket printer onto sticker paper so the whole process was quick and easy. (Except that I haven’t used the printer in so long that I forgot how to load the paper when I ran out. It’s simple. Turns out.) I also used some...
No adventure worth undertaking is straightforward. Everyone who achieves success faces obstacles. What makes (or breaks) a person is how they react to the challenges and roadblocks in their life and what they do (or do not do) to overcome these setbacks. Perhaps these famous failures have insp...
Compared to other forms of advertising, signage offers a cost-effective way to market your business. Once installed, a sign continues to promote your business 24/7 without recurring costs. This makes it an excellent investment, providing continuous exposure and attracting customers without the need ...
If you expand them into Immersion mode, they fill your whole view. This makes it easy to create compelling new immersive content of your own, and to share images of people and scenes to show off an area and what it "really" looks like, compared to just a flat photo from a particular...
One of the leading gun safe manufacturers in the US, American Securitymakes a wide variety of safes, from fire safes to vault doors to safety deposit boxes to gun safes and cabinets. As youve probably noticed, the best gun safe brands tend to run on the expensive side. Top 5 Best ...
PRE-ORDER MY BOOK, DAD TRUTHS Dad Truths is your antidote to the aspirational parenting craze; this collection of laugh-out-loud stories and non-advice
with $300 of that going toward rent in an apartment he shares with a woman he met on Reddit. He works odd jobs (when I met him, he says he was harvesting hemp in Oldham County), collects donations from his Patreon page and makes a little bit selling photos. “I’m a very resourcef...
The only thing I changed was gluing a second copy of the base to the bottom of the model after it was finished for a little more structural strength (and it also covers up some of the gluing tabs, and hence makes the underside prettier – no once can accuse me of not being anal). ...