Thankfully the Star of David has not yet been placed on the Polish insignia even though the government is already infiltrated by Zionist Jews. But the influence is quite significant that is affecting every day of the average Poles whose majority are Catholic Christians. They found out that the...
But there’s the second season of Making a Murder on Netflix, the new iPhone we need to stand in line for 4 hours to buy, that guy on Tinder who wants to meet up, this psychedelically immersive 4-D art show to check out, and the new vegan soul food place downtown. All of that...
The door banged again. This time it was a small, balding man of sixty, in full highland dress and the insignia of an officer. He carried a captain’s baton under his arm and had a tidy white beard. He looked out of breath, but his uniform was immaculate. “Saints preserve us!” he...
kavitvam. kutah. O Mother, how can anyone become a poet who fails to meditate on You? You are the one who shines like camphor and jasmine flowers, who gazes with beautiful eyes just like fully ripened lotus petals, who holds in her left hands a grantha (book) and makes a gesture ...