when she made a guest appearance as a character named Marianne on the British sitcom "Bloods." Since then, she has appeared as a guest star on episodes of Netflix's fantasy series "The Bastard Son & The Devil Himself" and the long-running...
The Witcher series is enhanced thanks to the conflict between Iorweth and Roche, with both characters potentially gaining the upper hand in a fight.
He may be known for roles in action films, playing super-strong, heroic characters likeSupermanor Geralt fromThe Witcher, butHenry Cavillis also a giant gamer at heart. Whether it be his love foriconic games such asWarhammeror his passion for building his own gaming PCs, Cavill has plenty ...
In combination with Mass Effect's temporal anti-aliasing solution it works wonders and produces one of the best applications of depth of field I've seen yet in few games. In the first screenshot, look at the shiny metal object in the centre of the screen that is still within the ca...
The Final Fantasy games exhibit a similar problem, except that 'bonkers' is the baseline. This is made worse by the typical RPG progression system of escalating numbers. If the gear at each level is just 15% stronger than the preceding level, then by the end of the game your gear will ...
Fake GI local bounce strength (requires depth) - A bright red pillar next to a white wall will make the wall a bit red, but how red? It uses local depth and color information to approximate short-range bounced light. It only affects areas made darker by Glamayre's fast ambient occlusion...
She made the career jump from TV broadcast operations to video games journalism during the pandemic, cutting her teeth as a freelance writer for global publications such as TheGamer, Gamezo, and TechRadar Gaming before joining Future's in-house team. Whether she's researching the latest ...
theirGOTjourneys, others virtual unknowns. And finally,as a wise man once said, you should never believe a thing simply because you want to believe it. So we made sure to check in with a few anonymous industry insiders as well to get their takes on who was leaving Westeros with the ...
And suppose they followed the Snowcats' tracks. Suppose that was how Weiher made it through 20 miles of deep snow. Why? Why abandon a perfectly operable car to strike out into the forest at midnight? Why press on through 20 miles of snowdrifts and darkness to break into a lock, unheate...
GhostWire: Tokyo creative director Ikumi Nakamura made a big and very positive splash when she presented the announcement trailer during Bethesda's press conference at E3 2019. "Everything about her presentation was perfect, from her groan-inducing jokes and nervous comments about the number ...