Craig made. :D ok sorry for rooting but, go theism! So then I will turn my attention to who I called the great atheist Sam Harris, which I tried to hint at you to watch that debate because it would of been one much better for you to quote. But that is besides the point now, ...
is never made out of nothing. Davies himself admits that the phenomenon he cited in the above paper "does not need to be taken seriously."." The theory of cosmological oscillations must assume that there is something that can be oscillatory. There is a lot of matter ...
Who proposed that matter is made of particles? Which law states that absolute zero cannot be reached? What scientist discovered the universal law of gravitation? Who applied quantum theory to atoms? What is the law of conservation of energy formula?
3 Some recent evidence for an ‘open’ universe comes from the number of light-bending ‘gravitational lenses’ in the sky.4 Also, analysis of Type Ia supernovae shows that the universe’s expansion rate is not slowing enough for a closed universe.5,6,7 It seems like there is only 40...
Precession refers to the slow and continuous motion of the rotation of the Earth's axis, usually associated with the gravitational attraction between the moon and the sun. To some extent, the planets also have influence. Precession affects climate on Earth by controlling the timing of the ...
Sutton had no arms below the elbows, which made his ability to master the game even more remarkable. Age: Dec. at 68 (1870-1938) Patrick Sinks Hanna Jubran Hanna Jubran is a Palestinian Arab Israeli sculptor, born in Jish, the upper Galilee. His work addresses the concepts of time, ...
Since you’ve been gone, I have made of You an alter replete with the relics of your life and times: your compass, your slide rule, your red plastic comb (tacky in its donnish pocket liner). These rest atop the rosewood box, home to the yet-retained dust and dirt of You. ...
And make no mistake about it: Big Jim was an anthropologist. He may have called what he did folklore, but he always placed the arts people made and the food people ate in broader cultural and historical contexts. Jim wrote his dissertation on the iconic ceremonial m...
We’ve got “The impossible task of fixing Apple” by Rob Enderle, a consultant for Dell (DELL), Microsoft (MSFT), Hewlett-Packard (HPQ) and others, who has made a career of bad-mouthing Apple in print and on TV. (For background on Enderle, you can start with John Gruber’s 2003...
“they did this. they made the mistake. …they probably were unhappy with the way it was announced. but i never received any complaint from them about this story.” particle no more by the time falkowski was convinced the lhc’s diphoton bump was a ghost, lots of the physics community...