The cartoon character Yogi Bear, sidekick to Huckleberry Hound, was once the pitchman for a chain of chicken restaurants in the Carolinas—but after their debut in the 1960s, the bear-approved Honey Fried Chicken restaurants have been whittled down to just one surviving location,The Last Yogi ...
I love mushrooms. Bring 'em on and then PUT them on everything, because I love them all. Well...not ALL. I'm not a fan of the poisonous ones, but there areguidesto steer you away from those should you decide to go mushroom hunting. ...
The cat and dog are shedding horribly. Vacuum the couch, vacuum the rugs, wash the blankets to get the hair off and the next dayeverythingis covered in dog and cat hair … rinse and repeat. Oooohhhmmm … Why Bother … Oooohhhmmm … Why bother … Yes, I know. This is not a health...
So yeah. I run as much as I can. And running neurotically by a fence all the time hasn’t made me so popular with the other girls. But it was kind of a lost cause with them anyway, I think. They’re never mean to me, rather, they just don’t seem to understand me, and then...