analgesic ladder (redirected fromWHO Analgesic Ladder) Aveneratedapproachtomanagingarangeofpainseverity,formulatedbytheWHOforcancer;theladderdividespaininto (1)mild—requiringNSAIDsand,ifthepainispost-operativeinnature,infiltrationwithlocalanaesthetics
Analgesic Ladder-per WHO)Also found in: Thesaurus, Medical, Encyclopedia. am·y·loid·o·sis (ăm′ə-loi-dō′sĭs) n. Any of a group of diseases or conditions characterized by the formation and deposition of amyloid in various organs and tissues of the body. American Heritage® ...
A decision to continue analgesia should be based onimproved painand function with minimal side effects (acceptable to the patient) and where the benefitsoutweighthe risks. The WHO analgesic ladder hasfive key principles: Oral administrationof analgesics should be used whenever possible ...
Bytheladder–TheWHO analgesic laddergives a logical way of increasing the strength of analgesia in steps as pain increases (see below). 镇痛阶梯疗法提供了一种随着疼痛 加重而按阶梯增加镇痛药物强度的逻辑方 法(参见下图)。
The "Analgesic Ladder" guideline for cancer pain has been proven a magnificent success after hundreds of millions of times of practices by medical workers and patients in 20 years.The understandings of cancer pain,benign pain and analgesia have also reached a tremendous climax.While reviewing the...
Studies of any methodological design were included if they evaluated patients with cancer pain treated according to the WHO analgesic ladder and if the studies provided enough information to estimate the proportion of patients who achieved adequate analgesia with the use of the ladder. The strength ...
Step 3 analgesia was required in children with neuropathic pain and bone pain. Conclusion WHO analgesic ladder is effective in managing pain in children with leukemia. Majority of cases of cancer pain in children could be managed by the treating physician using non-opioids, weak opioids and ...
In memory of an inspiring young doctor who mused about life & death through her terminal cancer illness. Her husband (Chris) now keeps the page updated.
In memory of an inspiring young doctor who mused about life & death through her terminal cancer illness. Her husband (Chris) now keeps the page updated.
The incidence of constipation with Ⅳ degree in the treatment group was significantly lower than that in the control group (P [Key words] Cancer pain; Wusheng Tincture; External use; Three stage analgesia regimen 癌性疼痛是指癌症肿瘤引起的身体疼痛以及治疗癌症肿瘤中发生的疼痛,多为慢性,是癌症晚期...