Though her father, Henry VIII, had divorced or had killed several wives to find one who would produce a male heir, Elizabeth I eventually became queen of England, ruling for 45 years and giving her name to an age. Catherine II the Great of Russia was empress for more than three decades...
Who was the first king of Scotland? Who started the New Kingdom of Egypt? Who formed the Wanga Kingdom? Who raised King Henry VII? Who led English forces during the Third Crusade? Who killed Nebuchadnezzar II? Who killed King Rama VIII?
Who killed King Rama VIII? Who was present at the assassination of Julius Caesar? Who was killed during the Reign of Terror? Who succeeded James II of England? Who was succeeded by the Flavian dynasty? Who was the first emperor of Brazil?
Although openly acknowledged as gay, Donahue claimed he had a four year affair with Wallis, Duchess of Windsor, the wife of the Duke of Windsor, the former King Edward VIII. 'She married a King, but screwed a queen,' the Count Kurt Von Reventlow, Barbara Hutton second husband, was heard...
King Henry was assassinated when Louis was only eight. A Catholic fanatic ran the king through with a knife in the streets of Paris. He was 56 years old. The thing is, it actually gets more disturbing than all that. There were rumors that Louis’s scheming mother Marie may have been be...
Thomas Becket rose from humble beginnings to become the most powerful clerical figure in England—the Archbishop of Canterbury. However, he became embroiled in a very public spat with King Henry II and subsequently met a bloody and shocking end. ...
6. Dexter Avenue King Memorial Baptist Church A little further up from this historic corner is the church where Martin Luther King preached. Once again, we had a spectacular guide who took us around the church, explaining the mural, allowing us to stand at MLK’s pulpit… (It had to be...
In the past, being a church leader was an occupation that carried with it the prospect of an untimely demise.
This story killed it. The writing drew me immediately and unfolded well, with no jarring exposition at all. It had a gorgeous take on Girl Power, focusing on solidarity between victims and (of course) revenge. Creepy, but not too dark, the story was the perfect ending for this anthology....
The novel The Forgotten Army states Amy’s birthplace is Inverness. This is also the birthplace of Amy’s actress, Karen Gillan. According to volume 71 of the Complete History, though not made clear in the episode, the scene in Henry VIII’s bedroom in The Power of Three was intended to...