Kai Parker died repeatedly inThe Vampire Diaries, both on- and off-screen, but the vast majority of those deaths didn't hold because he was trapped in a prison world. It is referenced that he attempted to kill himself in the 1994 prison world prior to Bonnie and Damon's arrival, as wel...
she was never that enamored with being a vampire, having been made one against her will, as well as the bloodlust ofVampire Diaries' vampires running contrary to her compassionate nature. It's more surprising for Damon since he loved being a vampire; when the Cure first presented itself, he...
something had to be done about her character, Elena Gilbert. In the Season 6 finale, a vampire-witch hybrid named Kai, one of the main antagonists of the
She asks why Jae-hee killed her parents, saying that she’s remembered every despicable thing he did back then. She yells that she’ll never forgive him, and Jae-hee almost seems to experience a moment of remorse, admitting that those words feel different coming from her. ...