The Pasco County Master Reuse System (PCMRS) is the sole wastewater effluent management mechanism for Pasco County Utilities and the City of New Port Richey, making both utilities complete reuse utilities. The PCMRS receives and reuses over 75,708 cubic meters per day (20 million ...
The initial release of the Chapter 102 ePermit system includes new NOIs for coverage under the PAG-02 General NPDES Permit for Stormwater Discharges Associated with Construction Activities and NOIs for PAG-02 amendments of coverage for applications that were originally processed in the ePermit system....
The Pasco County Master Reuse System (PCMRS) is the sole wastewater effluent management mechanism for Pasco County Utilities and the City of New Port Richey, making both utilities complete reuse utilities. The PCMRS receives and reuses over 75,708 cubic meters per day (20 million gallons per ...