research is scarce and complicated by the use of varying definitions of SB and their overlap with sexual deviance. Consequently, no coherent picture of the role of SB in adolescent sexual offending behavior emerges. Therefore, the objectives of the present study were twofold. First, we aimed to ...
The Kansas House voted 70-52 to pass a bill requiring the state’s medical board to revoke the licenses of doctors who provide gender-affirming care to minors, even though many professionals who deal with transgender youth see such...
A California bill is now threatening to strip doctors of their medical licenses if they express medical views that the state does not agree with. California Assembly Bill 2098 designates “the dissemination or promotion of misinformation or disinformation related to the SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus, or ...
Moreover, stigma has material precedents and effects based on the spectre of (real/imagined) cases of people who have injected and blocked their PICCs lines, and other HCPs (real/imagined) who lost their medical licenses. The patient participants we heard from desired to use drugs, but also ...
Temporary absences by you or the child for special circumstances, such as school, vacation, business, medical care, military services or detention in a juvenile facility, are counted as time the child lived with you. There are also some exceptions to the residency test for children of divorced...
Open AccessThis chapter is licensed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License (, which permits use, sharing, adaptation, distribution and reproduction in any medium or format, as long as you give appropriate credit to...
Under Article XII-B of the Banking Law, the DFS licenses premium finance agencies and regulates the terms of the finance agreement. Private Bankers A Private Bank is a bank owned by an individual or a partnership. A Private Bank may engage in most commercial and investment banking activities....
The Evidence-Based Practice (EBP) model they pioneered has been regarded as a benchmark indicator by the field of medical care. We used the JBI Qualitative Assessment and Review Instrument to synthesize evidence from individual qualitative studies to create a comprehensive understanding of the essence...
2.3.5Mental Health Issues Faced by the Community MSM faced mental health issues of all kinds. Even though they are now becoming more accepted in society, there is still a stigma. People abused them, calling them names such as “gur” or “hijra.” ...
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