Given the increasing number of vulnerable populations with 1 or more chronic health conditions, policymakers are becoming increasingly concerned about how to deal with the demands this population places on systems of care.4,9 Enabling Factors of Vulnerability Shi and Stevens evaluated data on 32,374 ...
关键词: Human behaviour vulnerable population fire fatalities residential fire accessibility 会议名称: International Symposium on Human Behaviour in Fire: Public Fire Safety - Professionals in Partnership; 20040901-03; Belfast(GB) 会议地点: Belfast(GB) 主办单位: National Research Institute of Fire and ...
Human behaviour; vulnerable population; fire fatalities; residential fire; accessibility; 机译:人类行为;弱势人口;火灾死亡;住宅火灾;可及性; 入库时间 2022-08-26 13:51:06 相似文献 外文文献 中文文献 专利 1. Societal Protection and Population Vulnerability: Key Factors in Explai...
If the objective of intervention, to reduce mortality, is to be achieved, the population over the age of 5 cannot be ignored. Emergency public health needs to develop specific tools to investigate risk in other age groups (as well as children under 5), to identify causes, and to design ...
However those with mental health problems who have additional social problems are even more vulnerable. Currently psychiatric services in Ireland are provided on a catchment area basis, with a consultant psychiatrist leading a multi-disciplinary team providing a service to the population of a defined ...
servicesandhealthmorebroadly(8). Vulnerablegroups Certaingroupsfaceincreasedrisksorchallengesandthereisneedfortargetedefforts and/orgroupsfacing toaddresstheirspecificneedsandtopromoteinclusivityandequality.Marginalized discrimination populationsinpublichealthoftenincludegroupsthatfaceincreasedrisksofhealth inequitiesduetofacto...
The study was carried out in the outpatient unit of the "Casa della Carita" Foundation in Milan, which provides lodging and care for vulnerable people. Outcomes. A total of 105 patients, 63% of whom were men, were recruited during the 8 week study period. All patients were adults, either...
There has been a rapid growth in the use of digital technologies in healthcare to improve population health. However, due to digital exclusion (DE) (the unfair differences in motivation, access and use of these technologies), some demographic groups are unable to harness the health benefits of...
Referring to Shanghai's efforts to bring infection sources under control, cut off the transmission routes, and protect the vulnerable, he said this strategy has been proved effective in battles against Omicron, with attention given to the vulnerable population and senior population having other diseas...
The challenges to well-being in the social care workforce include low pay, high turnover, job insecurity, insufficient training, and contracts that are often part-time, zero hours, or casual. Add the physical and emotional strain of dealing with an ageing, vulnerable population, and you have ...