For me, the first three profiles that showed up were with people that I messaged or chatted with yesterday. To substantiate my claim that thisdoes notshow people viewing you, I had my roommate check out my profile about 25 times in an hour. I went back in to check my list, and it r...
It is not only exclusive to Facebook pages but to personal Facebook users too. Many users arenot seeingtheir friends or family’s posts like they once used to. (I also posted on this a decade ago, it’s not the first Facebook algorithm change). Use a Facebook page to post for your...
While I was going through the list of best Twitter viewing apps, I found out about TwStalker. It is a great app for discovering famous people on Twitter quickly. You will have access to see what topics are trending and getting more attention. I like how it is great for people who want...
And the third option is a tad similar toInstagram’s Close Friendsfeature since it only shares your status with your favorite people. Apart from this, there are other ways to stop someone from viewing your status, likeblocking someone. FAQs Regarding WhatsApp Status Can someone see your WhatsA...
Viewing Views and Likes When you’re posting videos on Instagram, you generally want to knowhowthose videos are performing, right? Well, you can see some basic information about your videos, but the sort of deep analytics you get for Facebook posts or for YouTube videos are absent. ...
Here is what happened: I checked the “Who’s Viewed Your Profile” feature on LinkedIn. It shows me a few of the people who have recently viewed my profile. When I used to have the LinkedIn Premium account, I could see more profile views, but now that they have c...
The above content is about viewing the status of WhatsApp on the iPhone, and about viewing the status of WhatsApp on the Android side. The editor has shared it before. Address: Well, the editor will share the content about WhatsApp status ...
9. How do I monitor my Twitter followers? If you have a small follower count, then simply refer to your follower list. You can also find your follower count on your profile’s main page. If your follower count is huge, you’ll need a dedicated Twitter Follower Tracker like FollowerAudit...
(3)MEDICAL UPDATE.Barry Longyeartold Facebook readers todaywhat he’s trying to accomplish despite debilitating cancer. A little update is in order. It is cancer, It is gobbling up my energy before I can log it in, pain too. I haven’t done any writing since September 10th when this ni...
Since the most common activity on Facebook is viewing friends’ profiles and posts without interacting with them, the odds are good that the friends at the top of your friends list are the friends who’ve been viewing your profile and your posts most frequently. ...