Resident Evil’s Wesker is the most famous villain in the series, so we’re here to explain everything you need to know about the horror icon.Kayleigh Partleton Published: 5 months ago Resident Evil 2 Resident Evil’s Wesker is a notorious name in the world of horror, and he’s the...
But the moment that it's revealed that the Tall Man has a master plan involving sending dwarves to another planet to do something vague with cadavers, the jig is up, and there's no more fear or mystery surrounding this character. He's essentially a Bond villain with a hair-...
A new Resident Evil game is the perfect time to bring back some familiar characters. However, there are also characters who shouldn’t return again.
Stephen King is a prolific author. To date, he has written 54 novels and over 200 short stories, many of which have been adapted for the screen. Predominantly, King has specialised in the horror genre, as The Shining, Misery and Salem’s Lot (to name but three) attest. Nevertheless, th...
On the other hand, the blood and guts of The Silkworm also point to the deliciously evil minds of writers.This cute little bugger is the namesake of Owen Quine’s novel Bombyx mori. (Photo from “Steve Begin“)More disturbing than icky silkworms and the vile details of Bombyx mori is ...
Stephen King is a prolific author. To date, he has written 54 novels and over 200 short stories, many of which have been adapted for the screen. Predominantly, King has specialised in the horror genre, as The Shining, Misery and Salem’s Lot (to name but three) attest. Nevertheless, th...
If you've been following the development of Metroid Prime 4: Beyond since its initial announcement in 2017, then chances are you've heard the name 'Sylux' mentioned in passing along the way.If you're not completely up-to-date on your Metroid Prime history (and not everyone is, that's ...
The Vecna the internet speaks of.Credit: Courtesy of Netflix Vecna is toStranger Things 4what the Demogorgon was to Season 1. In other words, he's the big, scary monster wreaking havoc on Hawkins. Vecna lives in the Upside Down and preys on people's past traumas and guilt. The monster...
They were unsuccessful, to a point, so she now has confirmation the love of her life is gone forever. She was crushed to come back to life after Endgame and find him gone forever, and in her grief, she created a Hex that created an alternate reality that trapped a very small town ...
It was only when traveling that the former villain didn't have to worry about her new responsibilities. Now if only her sister did not take them as an opportunity to use her as a sandbag. Not that she wasn't thankful. Just sore. Very, very sore. But the change in scenery helped. ...