A Filipino wrestler who set himself on fire during a match, has been suspended by the promoters. James 'Idol' Martinez set himself on fire, before attempting a crossbody to the outside, during a show for Philippine Wrestling Revolution. Not only did Martinez miss, but the flames continued to...
CM Punk is a wrestling icon, but he's been beaten more than a handful of times during singles matches on WWE PPVs!
show, Austin sharply criticized the company’s output and direction,explosively vocalizing: “*** right, I’m unhappy! The writing’s pretty ***. I don’t know if anything is gonna change with the creative *** but something better and *** fast!” On Raw, WWE advertised a King of t...
is frequently called the world’s first science fiction novel. In Shelley’s tale, a scientist animates a creature constructed from dismembered corpses. The gentle, intellectually gifted creature is enormous and physically hideous. Cruelly rejected by its creator, it wanders, seeking...
power etc. Not anyone can be a professional wrestler. While, athleticism isn't the only requirement, that virtue most definitely gives you a leg up on the competition.WWEhas a rich history of converting professional athletes into sports entertainers. And WWE is always looking for the next big...
is when that really dawned on me. I was eating normal portions over there. Nutrition Solutions has helped with my portions back in the U.S.—you know the macros you’re taking in. Then, for WrestleMania, we jumped it up accordingly and made the necessary tweaks to come in looking the ...
The Great Khali, with a towering height of 7’ 1”, was named the 8th-tallest professional wrestler in history, in 2014. He was earlier a Punjab Police officer. He became the first Indian-born winner of the WWE World Heavyweight Championship and has also appeared in several Hollywood and ...
Last night, I had the pleasure of delivering the ULTIMATE BOSTON SPORTS FAN GAME ROOM to the winner, Claire Gurley of Raymond, NH! Claire and her boyfriend, Rich were over the moon about winning this incredible prize package.Rich, who is a foreman for the Town of Raymond Transportation Depa...
Bills Mafia is hoping the Bills host a full-capacity playoff game for the first time since December of 1996, when they played the Jaguars in what was Jim Kelly's final game as quarterback of the Bills. We will see how things shake out as we get into Sunday Night Football. ...