As most might agree, keeping a new year’s resolution is never easy. Always, a resolution is aimed to improve life in many ways. The intent is admirable, proof of one’s propensity to raise the bar on any standard for the sake of quality, whether it be for health, ambition, relationsh...
But that was not enough. They needed to reignite race wars by declaring the country is infected with systematic racism, even though we have spent $25 trillion on welfare programs since the War on Poverty began in 1965. The level of shaking in 2020 should make any critical thinking person pa...
owthetrack.Thewheelsbel owthetrackkeepthefastmovingcarsfrom coming off the track,rollercoaster cars as you probably know dont have any motors or engines.Instead,achainpullsthecarsupthefirst,tallestandsteepystaffhill,thisishowthe ridebegins.Then,atthetopofthehillthechaincomesoffthecarsandgravitytakes...