Hulk may have lost the contest for strongest avenger in the MCU, but he’s a solid contender for the title in the comics, too. His strength is essentially limitless; he one managed tolift up an entire mountain- which was said to weigh over a billion tons - anddefeated the literal god ...
Who is the strongest Avenger? In the Marvel Cinematic Universe,the Scarlet Witchwas able to destroy Thanos' powerful - and possibly Dargonite - sword with a wave of her hand. It's becoming clearer and clearer that the Scarlet Witch, aka Wanda Maximoff (Elizabeth Olsen) is definitively the s...
Ever wonder what your favorite MCU character says about you? If you've spent much time indulging in the cinematic journey that is the Marvel Universe, you've likely found yourself drawn to one or more of the MCU characters' personalities. Since we all tend to favor characters we can relate...
the answer isyes. ... In the MCU, Spidey actually gets a chance to wield Mjolnir when Captain America throws him the hammer, allowing it to pull Peter out of harm's way – and into the path of Valkyrie's flying horse.
Eons ago, Odin defeated Surtur by himself, but with Odin past his prime - and even worse, gone - Thor demonstrated that bothSurtur and Helaare strong enough that even he, the second strongest Avenger, couldn't defeat either of them inThor: Ragnarok. Only they could defeat one another. Ho...
These artists not only have the abilty to spit, but they can vocally sing as well. They are a double threat that are dared to be matched. This is The Greatest ...
Can Brie fill the big MCU boots? Brie Larson plays an unpretentious Carol Danvers, much more like a Guardian Of The Galaxy rather than an Avenger. She is no Tony Stark. A big theme of the movie involves various people telling her to stay controlled. Telling Carol, she cannot do this and...
9Kang Is The Multiverse Saga's Main Villain Kang's Future In The MCU Is Unclear Kang the Conqueror was the intended main villain for the MCU's Multiverse Saga. However, afterJonathan Majors' exit from the franchise, this has been thrown into question somewhat. Nevertheless, withAvengers: The...
Who's the smartest avenger? 15 Smartest Characters In The MCU Tony Stark. No one in the MCU is smarter than Tony Stark. Shuri. … Rocket Raccoon. … Supreme Intelligence. … Bruce Banner. … T'Challa. … Hank Pym. … Vision. … ...
Thor’s lightning. It’s a cosmic cocktail that results in Vision being one of - if not the - strongest Avenger (sorry, Hulk). Along with super strength, he can fly, phase through basically anything, and vaporize his enemies with a blast from the Infinity Stone implanted in his forehead...