Once you give your kid a credit card and you're the primary account holder, you'll be responsible forallcharges they make, even if you didn't directly approve each purchase. That's because you technically gave authorization for any charges when you gave them a card. You should set guide...
Unfortunately, not everyone can qualify to earn the bonus. Here's the TLDR: If you're already theprimary account holderon a Sapphire card, whether it's the Preferred or its sister card theChase Sapphire Reserve®, you are not eligible for the 60,000-point bonus. ...
Health service visits in the 5 years prior to death is also reported (Additional File 1: Table S5), along with descriptive tables reporting on the number of people who had health service visits in the 1 month, 1 year, and 5 years prior to death, by health service visit type (primary ...
who has served on the California Catastrophe Response Council, the fund’s oversight body. “California, I think, is going to face greater challenges than it has over even the last few years, when it hasn’t been easy for its primary insurers and other entities to ...
orimages,itisyourresponsibilitytodeterminewhetherpermissionisneededforthatreuseandtoobtainpermissionfrom thecopyrightholder.Theriskofclaimsresultingfrominfringementofanythird-party-ownedcomponentintheworkrests solelywiththeuser. Thedesignationsemployedandthepresentationofthematerialinthispublicationdonotimplytheexpressionof...
Let’s Connect participants did experience substantial improvements in mental health outcomes, on average, between the start and end of this intervention. Further study of this intervention using a randomized design and control group is warranted....
Type 2 diabetes (T2D) is a primary cause of chronic kidney disease (CKD) worldwide, and the prevalence and incidence of CKD are higher in people with T2D than in those without [1, 2]. The estimated prevalence of CKD among people with T2D is 17–24% in Denmark [3, 4], 28% in Sp...
In the case of authorized users, there are no shared responsibilities on the credit account. The deceased, as primary account holder, is responsible for all payments. This means you can move forward with canceling the card completely, regardless of whether authorized users are listed. However, it...
Besides, several studies have shown that the efficacy of DAA treatment in PWID is as effective as in the populationthat does not use drugs; moreover, HCV prevalence among PWID was proved to decrease by unrestricted and immediately accessible HCV treatment [17, 18]. However, in several European...
The primary study objective is to assess the TBE of SLDPQ using an allometrically scaled, weight-based regimen in paediatric patients (< 5 years) with acute uncomplicated falciparum malaria. The secondary objectives are to assess/document: (i) oocyst intensity and sporozoite index, (ii) oocyst...