However, the economy soon rebounded and Holt retained his place as Menzies' heir apparent. Holt became prime minister in January 1966, elected unopposed as Liberal leader following Menzies' retirement. He fought a general election later that year, winning a landslide victory. The Holt Government ...
Before the pandemic, he had already traveled to five European countries. "I am one who really enjoys travel, adventure, food and new life experiences, so being able to come to the U.K. and be at the doorstep of the European continent and other areas around this r...
the Imperial War Museum North in Greater Manchester, England, the Michael Lee-Chin Crystal at the Royal Ontario Museum in Toronto, Canada, the Felix Nussbaum Haus in Osnabrück, Germany, the Danish Jewish Museum in Copenhagen, Denmark, and the Wohl Centre at the Bar-Ilan University in Ramat-...
Constitutional Convention, 1787; President of the United States, 1789-97. Episcopalian. English ancestry. Member, Freemasons; Society of the Cincinnati; American Academy of Arts and Sciences. As the leader of the Revolution, he could have been King; instead, he served as the first President ...
the Ontario Court of Appeal made ato dismiss a union appeal aftera pair of Canada Revenue Agency workers and members of the Union of Taxation Employees failed to pay individual fines of $476.75 after crossing the picket line to attend work during the 2004 strike, violating their unio...
The case for tax hikes to redistribute income is much weaker than many think Conservatives should rock the shaky foundations of climate alarmism Until that happens, however, the reality is that other options are available. And more and more Ontario parents are interested in them. ...
“It is important that any measures to control mosquitoes take into account the need to maintain natural predators and their habitats. Removal of predators from habitats could exacerbate a mosquito nuisance biting problem.” However, in the local Kanata case,no studywas undertakenof the impact of ...
His organization is among several experts and groups saying they do not believe the bill as originally written would withstand a constitutional challenge. Both the B.C. Supreme Court and the Ontario Superior Court have delivered decisions saying administrative solitary confinement is ...
Conrad Black: Justin Trudeau is the worst Liberal leader in history Read the full text of Justin Trudeau's resignation speech Panzer.Quest| Sponsored by TaboolaYou will never turn off your computer again, if you own a mouse. Raymond J. de Souza: Trudeau makes everyone's skin crawl J...
For more than seven years, he has lived in jail in Ontario because his identity cannot be confirmed. Until Canada knows who he is and where he was born, officials cannot deport him. A global fingerprint search by Interpol, the international police organization, came back with eight...