God is the initial and ultimate self created… That something that overcame nothing to be Himself as the Ultimate of all Creation ,within which all other created thing lies… Therefore He declares of Himself, I am That I am…. and I am… The First and the Last, the beginning and the ...
On the most basic level, the definition of “professional teacher” refers to thestatus of a person who is paid to teach. It can also, on a higher level, refer to teachers who represent the best in the profession and set the highest standard for best practice. Who is the nicest teacher?
The museum is very close to the location of the Battle of Bosworth where King Richard III was killed, ending the War of the Roses and placing the Tudor line firmly on the throne. I am fascinated by the War of the Roses history and Richard is an historical figure of particular interest a...
Armstrong (much of which will be from his own writings, including his actual Autobiography), what he did, how he is viewed by the COGs, how he should be viewed by the COGs, and some of what his legacy should mean for those in the COGs. I should mention at the beginning that while ...
In the car is Sidney Korshak. It happens to be the feast day of Saint Teresa, who tasted the great love of God with an open mouth, and Dion’s “Runaround Sue” is rising fast on the charts. This serendipity serves as an orchestral stirring as distinct as any I might devise for ...
We were taken care of by an amazing crew including the head steward Hugo, the nicest man you ever met. Although he has a family and grown children on the mainland that he visits on his vacation days, he has lived full time for the past thirty years on Galapagos dive boats, so he ...