Not all women were able to specifically identity media images and stereotypes of child sexual abuse, but many were able to identify general trends of how CSA was depicted by the "media" (this term was not defined by many women). For example one trend identified by women was that CSA is ...
Hannah Arendt argues that political action is only meaningful through the disclosure of who the actor uniquely is, and that this disclosure is the basis of human dignity. Arendt's notion of performative disclosure helps us to rethink the individuated actor, not as a sovereign and self-...
In addition to commonly employed resources for accessing health care services, Iranians received considerable help from the public library, librarians, and the Internet. They considered these to be the most helpful resources.University of Alberta (Canada).Dastjerdi, Mahdieh....
The women all desired to have individualized contraceptive care, which would allow them to collaborate with their health care providers and select a contraceptive method best suited to them as an individual.University of Alberta (Canada).Gratton, Carolyn....
The "mouse click" data show that slightly less than 50% of the respondents actually sought the information made available on GM technology and related issues, while the remainder did not.; The economic benefit-cost structure is adopted as the theoretical basis for our study. As well non-...
The study shows that hoping is essential in these children's healing from sexual abuse. The researcher also provides suggestions and reflections on the intentional use of hope in the therapy process.University of Alberta (Canada).Erdem, Tansel....
University of Alberta (Canada).Hughes, Patricia Anne.University of Alberta (Canada).Hughes, P. A. (1996). Using social learning theory to enhance the social/emotional development and status of students who are hard of hearing in inclusive educational settings. Unpublished master's thesis. ...
governing members' actions. Thus, radical organizational change represented an act of social construction between members.;This study's key contribution is the development of a theoretical extension to Giddens' (1984) structuration theory, involving a synthesis with the concept of organizational identity...