How long did Muhammad live in Medina? What did Sunni Ali accomplish? What was Ibn Khaldun famous for? Who was al-Mahdi? Who was Sheikh Saadi? What did Muhammad do in Medina? Who was Ibn al-Haytham? Who was the father of Muhammad Ali Jinnah?
Religion:Shia Islam haidermpr Advanced Member 284 Religion:Islam Advanced Member PostedJuly 17, 2017 On 7/17/2017 at 4:37 AM,Lion of Shiasaid: as salaam alakim! we hear about the dajjal,(I'm a recent shia revert) but who is he I read sunni hadiths about what he will do, but I...
Any 'good' quality in Islam is being brushed off as a pre-existent Feminist value that Islam has no hand in, rather it was certain personalities who challenged the hierarchy and the traditional social quo. Quote She teaches the world the power of feminism Definitely not the pow...