China is the world's largest importer ofsoybeans and meat, and is among the leading importers of dairy, wine, and other food products and beverages. In terms of service trade, travel and transportation-related service imports took up the largest share of all service imports in China. What ...
This will be the first time in almost three decades that the world’s largest exporter of rice (a title once held by Myanmar) will have had to import the commodity. Construction work on the Guwahati Silchar railway project has created logistical bottlenecks hindering delivery from the mainland ...
Greenland is the world's largest island,covering an area more than three times the size of Texas.Some 81 percent of it is covered by ice,and there are many glaciers.Glaciers are like slow-moving rivers of ice.Where a glacier meets the sea,its weight keeps it firmly resting on the botto...
steppedupasamajorfoodexporter.HowlongcanChinasustain thismomentum? Chinaimportsonlysmallamountsofpremium-graderice, minoramountsofwheatinmostyears,andnocorn.Chinahas maintainedagriculturalself-sufficiencyingrainsasitcarriesout theworld’slargestandfastesturbanizationandindustrialization. ...
In the case of HT cotton, the government’s actions have been even worse. In this case, the government cleared the use of the first generation of Bt cotton, and this resulted in a sharp increase in production and helped India become the world’s largest exporter of cotton. But after the...
the treasure, transforming Equatorial Guinea into the third-largest energy exporter in sub-Saharan Africa. But the first wave of revenues seemed to disappear—the people of Equatorial Guinea remained as poor, ill-housed, uneducated, and unhealthy as ever. Rather than putting the money into a ...