The Yale School of Drama has been shaping the world of theater and film for decades, boasting a rich and storied history of educating some of the most successful and acclaimed actors in the industry. Its prestigious reputation is evident in the wealth of talent that its alumni have brought to...
Serial killer, Adolfo de Jesús CONSTANZO - AKA The Godfather of Matamoros - Characteristics: Mexican palo mayombe cult leader who performed ritual torture and human sacrifices - Constanzo was born in Miami, Florida, United States. His mother, Delia Auro
Who's the Boss? is an American sitcom created by Martin Cohan and Blake Hunter, which aired on ABC from September 20, 1984 to April 25, 1992. Produced by Embassy Television (later Embassy Communications and ELP Communications), in association with Hunter-Cohan Productions and Columbia Pictures ...
軌跡キセキマスターへの道みち) is the fifth Sun Door in Trails in the Sky the 3rd. It is a quiz minigame hosted by Campanella. The minigame returns in Trails into Reverie with a similar format, with one major difference being Beryl taking the role of the host instead of Campanella. ...
but it brings with it a whole load of new films every year. Here’s my ranking of all the 2023 new releases I’ve seen so far (a significant selection have been watched in 2024). As always, as I’m in the UK I’m only counting films that were released in the UK in 2023, henc...
Though Doyle never tackled the infamous serial killer – he probably don’t want Holmes to lose the fictional case – Lindsay Faye rose to the challenge with Dust and Shadows in 2011. It’s a superb novel filled with interesting facets of the consulting detective’s methods. There were tw...
wrote viaInstagramin October 2023. “I don’t think I could play Mary Flynn and feel all of that pain without having the love of this sweet man to come home to each night. @jalexbrinson. Thank you is not good enough. You’re the absolute greatest. Worth the wait. Meant to be. My...
McGrath wrote and directed films including Emma, Company Man, and Infamous; helmed two Emmy-nominated documentaries, His Way and Becoming Mike Nichols; and appeared in such movies as Quiz Show, The Insider, and Michael Clayton. At the time of his death, McGrath had been starring in the ...