This article considers the first verdict of the International Criminal Court in the Lubanga case. It focuses on the narrow scope of the conviction, resulting from the very limited charges brought by the Office of the Prosecutor and its failure to seek to amend the charges when evidence of ...
CHANGES.After such upheaval from a young age, including the adoption of a new identity, surely documenting his current life means his life will change again following the international release ofPecados? He says simply: “It already has changed. With respect to my names. But there is nothing ...
What is transnational business law? What is the global administrative law? What is international society in international relations? What is pragmatism in international law? What is an international criminal justice system? What is the purpose of international trade law?
In June, Smith said in an interview that the imposition of the national security law in Hong Kong had created an"atmosphere of coercion" that threatens both the city's freedoms and its standing as an international business hub. The disturbance in Hong Kong following the proposed ordinance amendm...
CEO, The Blackmon Organization Larry Scott Blackmon / Andrew Morales Larry Scott Blackmon is the CEO of The Blackmon Organization, a government relations consulting firm. He also serves as chair of the board of the BBB Serving Metropolitan New York, as president of the New York ...
Jonathan Bloomer, the chairman of investment bank Morgan Stanley International, was confirmed dead on Thursday. According to the Financial Times, Mr Bloomer appeared as a defence witness for Mr Lynch during his US criminal trial and the pair were good friends. He also chaired Autonomy's audit ...
The child’s fate, however, remains in limbo. The Afghan couple who raised the child for 18 months in Afghanistan is seeking to have Mast’s adoption of her undone. The Department of Justice has intervened and contended that Mast lied to the...
“These people always looked down at him,” the longtime former colleague said. “But he has to be a smart guy to get where he is. He is a survivor.” After the 2016 election, Patel was hired by then-Rep. Devin Nunes, the top Republican on the House Intelligence Committee at the ti...
“Everybody in America, and thus everybody in the world, is watching what happens on Long Island,” Johnson said. D’Esposito is one of five first-term Republicans in New York whom Democrats hope to unseat — reclaiming the speaker’s gavel after the same races helped cost them control...
Who is Afraid of Punishing Aggressors? Crimes consisting of serious violations of jus in bello, that is, war crimes, usually considered less egregious than the crime of aggression, have been severely prosecuted and punished, in particular by the International Criminal Tribunal ... D Zolo - 《Jo...