Hypnos is the Greek god of sleep and hypnosis. His children are the bringers of dreams. He is the twin brother of Thanatos — god of death. This made sense to the Greeks — who believed that people could visit the realms of the dead in sleep. Hypnosis is also the way to visit the ...
Achelois(Greek goddess) Achelois means "she who drives away pain", and she was a Moon Goddess.Minor Greek Goddesses: A-E Aphrodite(Greek goddess) Aphrodite is the goddess of love, beauty and sexual rapture.She loved gaiety and glamourGoddesses and Gods Love and Sexuality ...
Asclepius’s skills grew so advanced that he could not only heal the sick but also bring the dead back to life. His power to resurrect made him a worshipped figure among mortals, who flocked to his temples, the Asclepieia, for cures and divine guidance through healing rituals and dreams...
after all.) That’s because the last seat on Olympus is a bit of a revolving chair. Some sources listHades, the god of the dead and the underworld, as the god that occupies the final seat. But other sources give that seat toHestia, goddess of the hearth, orDionysus, the god...
Who is Ungit in Till We Have Faces? Glome's Royal Family: The king of Glome is described as being a selfish coward who fears being asked to sacrifice himself or his comforts for the sake of his kingdom; he is all too happy to sacrifice his daughter, however. His eldest child is Or...
Family tree of Morpheus Father:Hypnos, God of Sleep. Descendant of Erebus and Nyx Mother:Pasithea – Goddess of relaxation and rest. Descendant of Hera and Dionyssus. Uncle:Thanatos – God of Death Brothers: Phobetor: He was the one who created the scary dreams. He was the personification ...
Kiama Meaning “magic” in Kenyan, Kiama is a delightful and fantastical baby girl name. ErisHailing from Greek mythology, Eris is the goddess of discord and destruction, using many kinds of magic to match the mischief of her brother Ares, the god of war. Gizem Gizem means “mystery” or...
My tutelary deity isHekatewho is also a triple goddess, but not MMC. Her triplicity is a reflection of the three-way crossroads, the liminal space between the worlds. There is far more magic in women than that of just childbirth, and we have countless goddesses who accurately reflect that....
A beautiful snake goddess protects humans from themselves and from an evil snake demon. Devil Woman (1970) A snake woman commands snakes to kill the people who murdered her parents but a Kung Fu master has other ideas. Dreamscape (1984) Men who can enter into other people's dreams can ...
The powerful and influential Nefertiti, who is believed to have been more eager than Akhenaten to introduce Sun worship, almost acquired the status of a goddess throughout the kingdom. Although religious tides turned back in favor of the old gods after her reign, Nefertiti will be forever known...