Is Babylon of Revelation literal or symbolic? The Bible tells us that Babylon will never be rebuilt. Jeremiah prophesied that this city would be desolate forever. (Jeremiah 51:26;Jeremiah 51:39-43) This tells us then that Babylon spoken of in Revelation is not the literal city which will ...
Judah is also a name collectively given to two southern tribes of Israel (Judah and Benjamin, as well as some of the tribe of Levi). These tribes were carried away to Babylon in 586 B.C., then restored back to their land 70 years later, only to be dispersed throughout the world afte...
An open and shut case can be made that the media in 2010 is NOT “Corporate-owned,” as so many fearful political analysts put it, but rather, “Jew-owned.” This author does not fear the Jews and needs no pleasing euphemisms agreeable to Jewish ears. So long as the Jews control Amer...
These questions will be answered here. But please note, this website is not a website of hate. We are merely giving a message, a warning of truth, out of love for fellow believers in Christ Jesus, who are caught up in deception from the evil one. In Revelation 18:4, God is calling...
18And the woman that you saw is herself the great city which dominatesandcontrols the rulersandthe leaders of the earth. Revelation 17 New International Version Babylon, the Prostitute on the Beast 17One of the seven angelswho had the seven bowlscame and said to me, “Come, I will show ...
for in one hour is she made desolate.Contemporary English VersionThey cried loudly, and in their sorrow they threw dust on their heads, as they said, "Pity the great city of Babylon! Everyone who sailed the seas became rich from her treasures. But in a single hour the city was destroyed...
Revelation 15:6-16:21 New American Standard Bible 6 and the seven angels who had the seven plagues came out of the [a]temple, clothed in [b]linen, clean and bright, and their chests wrapped with golden sashes. 7 And one of the four living creatures gave the seven angels seven ...
Revelation 20 What Genesis says about Magog Notice the heading does not say “What Genesis Says About Gog and Magog.” That’s because Genesis doesn’t say anything about Gog. Genesis simply says Noah had a grandson named Magog: “Now this is the genealogy of the sons of Noah: Shem, Ham...
8-9. Israel forces will be met with the army of theBiblical Islamic-Assyrian-Antichrist(Micah 5:5) who will be directly empowered by theDragon; theAncient Dragon, who is the archangel Lucifer; the Devil, namely Satan(Revelation 13); with the support of the terrorist groups and several ...
The chief official in Babylon gave Daniel the name of Belteshazzar, which means “Beltis,protect the king.” Daniel: Natural Talent + Divine Inspiration = Great Wisdom Daniel is described as one of the“young men without any physical defect, handsome, showing aptitude for every kind of learni...