which is as this huntress, and then you have Artemis the way she’s depicted in Ephesus, with all the fruit hanging off of her, Artemis of the Ephesians, the Ephesian Artemis. Those were seen as being the same goddess, but neither of them were seen as being the...
As part of the Church’s tradition, it is believed that during Christ’s flight into Egypt, statues to the native gods crumbled and fell at His presence; this led to the conversion of some of the inhabitants. This story is enshrined in theAkathist Hymn to the Mother of God, which contai...
Whence Lucian seems to have been wrong in his idea that the worship of Astarte, like that of Artemis at Ephesus, was that of the moon. But Rawlinson, in his 'Ancient Monarchies,' decides against this identification. The last mention of this city in Jewish history is in the bold and succ...
Here's an odd note. Artemis is Diana is a woman. So why the name Artemis Fowl? I haven't read the books, but isn't Artemis Fowl, you know, a dude? I mean, it's not just a girl's name, it's the name of a man-avoiding virgin hunter goddess. ...