In Greek mythology, Ares is the god of war. His counterpart in Roman mythology is called Mars. Ares was one of the 12 Olympians and was the son of Zeus and Hera. Important Gods of Greek Mythology: Athena: the goddess of war and wisdom ...
Poseidon, the son of the Titans Cronus and Rhea, is the name given to the god of storms, seas, earthquakes, floods, and other forms of destruction in... Learn more about this topic: Poseidon, the Greek God | Mythology, Powers & Symbols ...
Who is Rhea in Greek Mythology? Rhea, goddess of Earth, is also generally considered to be the mother of the gods. Rhea was born of the first primordial gods. Born from Gaea, the personification of the Earth, and Uranus, personification of the sky, Rhea Titan goddess is one of the firs...
Cassandra, the most beautiful of the daughters of King Priam of Troy.Cassandra had been given the power of prophecyby the god Apollo, but was then doomed to never to be believed because she refused him her love. In a later Roman tradition, the poet Virgil describes how she tried in vain...
Benzaiten (Benten) originates from the Indian Goddess Sarasvati, known as the Goddess of music, fine arts, eloquence, literature, She is the only woman among the seven Gods of fortune in Japan Bikeh Hozho(Navajo god) Bikeh Hozho represents the personified power of speech ...
Mars Roman God and Fortuna Roman Goddess are my patron deities and I wondered if anyone has worked with either one of them before? I'd expect more information on Mars since he is a more well known Roman God. I know that Mars is a god of war and...
Just talking about the original myth is a bit problematic because one of the products of a state-provided education is that I immediately form judgements about people who quote Greek and Roman mythology as readily as Emily in Paris plotlines or with the same gravitas as a Game of Thrones char...
A sculpture of Zeus called the "Zeus of Otricoli," which is a Roman copy of the original Greek statue. This one was carved in the 4th it's still really, really old. Who Is Zeus, and What Is Zeus the God Of?
Nefertiti is one of the most fascinating Egyptian rulers in history. She was a queen, but also a priestess - and might have even been a pharaoh. She and her husband, Amenhotep IV (AKA Akhenaten), tossed out the old gods and set up the sun as god in the form of Aten. This didn’...
Not much is known about Pallas, the father of Nike. He plays a minor role inGreek mythology. Styx (mother of Nike) was the daughter of Oceanus. Oceanus (grandfather of Nike) was the son of Uranus and Gaia. He was the god of the ocean. ...