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In Zamboanga del Sur, they are running in 2 congressional districts, 2 cities (including the highly-urbanized Zamboanga City), and 26 municipalities. Who will be running for elective positions in Zamboanga del Sur in the coming May 2022 polls? This page reflects the Commission on Elections’ ...
News, Politics, and Continual Debate Over Who is the Greatest Leader of all Time, and Why is it President Donald J. Trump?
The accounting firms Baker Tilly International and Shipleys became LLPs in 2007. The author suggests concerns about liability are motivating changes in the structure of firms. Some firms have removed their connections to international networks due to concern over litigation....
There is this indisputable fact: The day prior to the 9/11 attacks, Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld gave a press conference announcing the results of a September 21, 2001 U.S. Department of Defense Office of Inspector General report (DoD-IG) whichreported $2.3 trillion could not be ade...
Prestigious awards for healthcare communications tend to be dominated by the big network agencies and their offshoots. And the work deserves the wins. Imaginative, innovative, powerful, arresting – it’s all of that. But is it inspiring the rest of us t
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