Drummond: Jean Quan, finally a mayor for Oakland who actually wants to be mayorTammerlin Drummond
List of famous people who drowned, including photos, birthdates, professions, and other information. These celebrities who drowned are listed alphabetically and include the famous drowning victims’ hometown and biographical info about them when available. The list you're viewing is made up of a ...
Over 100 fans have voted on the 100+ people on Who Is The Most Famous Anthony or Tony In The World?. Current Top 3: Anthony Hopkins, Tony Hawk, Anthony ...
South Bend, Indiana, mayor, elected in 2011 Served in Afghanistan as member of Navy Reserve while he was mayor. At 37 years of age, is the youngest of the contenders, and is also openly gay and married. Took on Vice President Mike Pence, an ardent foe of gay marriage. "[I]f you ...
Morin reportedly saw the plane crash from afar and immediately sprinted to the water, hurdling multiple fences and beach chairs along the way. He swam through a high surf and powerful rip current to reach the victim. The plane's wings were dangling, and it was starting to sink into the ...
also criticized by local residents and officials for appearing out-of-touch and focusing on his national image. "The only way you can see the mayor is if you turn on 'Meet the Press,'" Newark's current mayor, Ras Baraka, said when he was a councilman during Booker's mayoral ...
The president said the White House has been communicating with Sweden and working on the release of the hip-hop star, who will be detained at least until July 25, a judge ruled Friday. "A$AP Rocky is a situation in Sweden. Sweden's a great country and they're friends of mine, the le...
He is also being charged with violating his pre-trial release by allegedly being in possession of ammunition. The man struck by a car was initially listed as being in critical condition afterward, and his current condition was not immediately available. The horse was transported from the scene...
The man who introduced himself to America as "Mayor Pete" of South Bend, Indiana, received thunderous applause over the course of his 8-minute speech and spoke of politics as “soulcraft.” “I believe America is ready for a better kind of politics,” Buttgieg said. “Yes, politics...
5: Kent County, surrounding Grand Rapids, and Oakland County, an area northwest of Detroit that went from red to blue in recent years. Harris targeted two battlegrounds within a battleground. Throw out Mitt Romney’s win in 2012, and the presidential candidate who bags Kent County has b...