23、e risks of conflicts unless 27 actions are implemented, warns the institution behind the report.“As the ready supply of healthy and productive land dries up and the population grows, competition is 28 for land within countries and globally,” said executive secretary of the UN Convention to...
And if I think that your script's in decent shape, you'll have the confidence to finish the damn thing.in decent shape:状态良好柯林斯英语释义:If someone or something is in shape, or in good shape, they are in a good state of health or in a good condition. If they are in bad shap...
effective July 6, 2021, has been submitted to the UN Secretary-General, who is the depository(保管人) for the WHO." The spokesperson for Secretary-General António Guterres said he had received the notice and "is in the process of verifying with the World Health Organization whether all the...
While doing that we have two key issues: one is prevention and control in communities, meaning we have to cut transmission at the community level," said Liang Wannian, head of COVID-19 response and disposal expert group of China's National Health Commission (NHC). "The second...
the World Health OrganizationWHO.WHO is not responsible for the content or accuracy of this translation.The original English edition shall be the binding and authentic edition”.Any mediation relating to disputes arising under the licence shall be conducted in accordance with the mediation rules of ...
“If the pandemic has taught us anything,its that with solidarity,determination,innovation and the equitable use of tools,we can overcome severe health threats.Lets apply those lessons to tuberculosis.It is time to put a stop to this long-time killer.Working together,we can end TB.”Dr ...
U.S. Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin said the unemployment numbers are probably "going to get worse before they get better," acknowledging that the current jobless rate may have already hit 25 percent. The U.S. economy is going to experience "a very, very bad second quarter," but the na...
Bio: former Secretary of Housing & Urban Development, former San Antonio mayor. Age: 44 Pros: Castro announced an exploratory committee on Dec. 12 and is likely to formally announce a run on Jan. 12. He is one of the few Hispanic politicians openly discussing a presidential bid. Cons: ...
workisappropriatelycited,asindicatedbelow.Inanyuseofthiswork,thereshouldbenosuggestionthattheWorldHealth Organization(WHO)ortheFoodandAgricultureOrganizationoftheUnitedNations(FAO)endorseanyspecificorganization, productsorservices.TheuseoftheWHOorFAOlogoisnotpermitted.Ifyouadaptthework,thenyoumustlicenseyour workunde...
"WHO assesses the risk of spread to neighboring provinces and countries as very high," the statement said. Saying that everything possible is need to be done now, UN Under-Secretary-General for Humanitarian Affairs and Emergency Relief Coordinator Mark Lowcock said that the world must try the ...