v=DRbWxM2jZ9M 櫻井孝宏、バットマン吹替えを担当!「危うい新たなバットマンが誕生します」 日本語吹替版予告&「1分でわかる!Who is THE BATMAN」特別映像 『THE BATMAN-ザ・バットマン-』が3月11日(金)に封切られる。DCユニバースに属さない本作は、クリストファー・ノーラン監督に...
Who Is The..Joel EdgertonAnother actor with a bust out year, Edgerton played tough and sensitive in this fall's
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【Who is your hero?】1.Batman蝙蝠侠;2.Green Hornet青蜂侠;3.Green Lantern绿灯侠;4.Iron Man钢铁侠;5.Spider-man蜘蛛侠;6.Flash闪电侠;7.Superman超人; 8.Hulk绿巨人;9.Neo黑客;10.Fantastic Four神奇四侠;11.Hellboy地狱男爵; 12.Ultraman奥特曼。 ...
The Ending Of The Dark Knight Trilogy Explained23 related questions found Who is Batman's biggest rival? The Joker is an obvious choice for the greatest of the great, being unanimously regarded as both Batman's arch-enemy and some going as far to call him the greatest villain in comics....
James Gunn Tried To Make The New DC Universe Canon Less Confusing (And It Didn't Work) 10/25/2024 by Ryan Scott Slash Film “He literally choked a girl in the Batman”: John Turturro Gets No Love for Refusing to Return for The Penguin Over Bizarre Reason ...
Who's-Who,[8] also known as Who of the Droplets,[3] is one of the Tobiroppo, the strongest six Shinuchi of the Beasts Pirates.[9] Over a decade ago, he served as an agent of CP9 before his failure to guard the Gomu Gomu no Mi led to his dismissal from se
Matt Reeves reveals why Batman never intervenes in The Penguin How HBO’s The Penguin sets the stage for The Batman Part 2 … and can make the sequel even better Here’s why Joker: Folie à Deux is better than you think Different versions, same riddles ...
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