He never wrote a piece of music unless he had something to say and he never repeated himself; he never outstayed his welcome. No two of his piano pieces are alike, each one creates its own world. He lays his soul before us in music like the Second Symphony, yet it is noble as ...
Theists always claim “something can’t come from nothing” as if it’s some sort of law that absolutely can never be violated. And yet, the idea that there is a metaphysical plane of existence beyond our comprehension is somehow plausible? I don’t see either one as being as all that...
The calling to full-time ministry is not common, and those who say “yes” to this calling are stepping into something that demands a level of sacrifice and endurance that few understand. This is why self-care, accountability, and intentional rhythms of rest are crucial. You’re Competing Ag...
Hegel took the stance that tragic plot is made up of conflicts between characters? ethical reasoning and the solution that leads to a greater good. This approach led to a modernist theory and away from the event-driven idea of tragic plot....
What is a content creator? We answer this question and more in this exhaustive guide to working with creators.
“Everyone who is seriously involved in the pursuit of science becomes convinced that some spirit is manifest in the laws of the universe, one that is vastly superior to that of man.” - Albert Einstein
Thisisthequestionthatsomeskepticalpeoplewillask.But bydefinition,Godisthecreatoroftheuniverse.Sowho createdthequestionofGodandis"thebachelorwhogot married?"Thesame,it'snotlogical. Soamorerigorousquestionerwouldask,"iftheuniverseneeds acause,whydoesGodnotneedacause?"IfGoddoesn'tneed ...
The connector supports the following authentication types:Bung rộng bảng Default Parameters for creating connection. All regions Not shareableDefaultApplicable: All regionsParameters for creating connection.This is not shareable connection. If the power app is shared with another user, another ...
In my own experience of putting together decks of freelance work (writing, design, or otherwise), I’d say that Canva is definitely the way to go for this part of the job.Now, freelancing as any sort of content creator will (obviously) be a rollercoaster ride with ups and downs. Be ...
March 6, 2025: People of the World:Beware of Islam; it is the human religious worship of theArchangel Lucifer, a.k.a. theGreat Dragon, theAncient Serpent, likewise theDevilorSatan; who is thedeceiverof the whole spiritually blinded world. ...